Summer 2023

Santa Catalina Estates HOA Homeowner Survey Results

115 responses collected online and by paper survey from 6/17 – 8/21/23

Overall Attitudes:

·         Almost one-half (47%) of homeowners are satisfied with the HOA (17% extremely satisfied + 30% somewhat satisfied), while 10% are extremely dissatisfied and 12% are somewhat dissatisfied. One-third (31%) are neutral.

·         Two-thirds (68%) of homeowners think it is important to have an active HOA (33% extremely important + 35% somewhat important), while 15% say extremely unimportant and 10% say  somewhat important. 7% are neutral.

·         58% of homeowners say having an HOA has positive impact on home values (25% major + 33% minor). 27% say it has a negative impact on home values (12% major negative + 15% minor negative), and 15% are neutral.

Top priorities of HOA:

1)      Enforcement of CC&Rs (41% extremely important)

2)      Facilitating architectural review (40% extremely important)

3)      Dumpsters (36% extremely important)

Speeding/Traffic Calming:

·         Just 17% of homeowners would be willing to help gather signatures for speeding/traffic calming measures.

·         55% of homeowners feel that the HOA should contribute some funding to the cost of speed humps (24% think HOA should cover 50% of cost, while 34% said none). 25%  feel it is extremely unimportant for the HOA to contribute.

HOA Dues:

·         57% of homeowners feel dues are “just about right” (7% say too high, 7% say too low)

·         39% of homeowners would be willing to pay higher dues to ensure enforcement of CC&Rs

·         34% feel it is extremely unimportant to amend CC&Rs to prohibit Airbnbs & short term rentals (19% extremely important)

·         One-half (48%) do not think HOA should attempt to amend CC&Rs (37% said it should)

·         63% want to keep HOA in place, 33% want to disband, 4% not sure

Survey Results