SCEHOA/Pima County Traffic Management Process
Pima County’s Department of Transportation (DOT) has a multi-step process that helps neighborhoods justify and install traffic calming devices for local streets that homeowners feel have a traffic problem such as excessive speeding above the 25 mph speed limit. Each identified street should form a team that will conduct the process for the neighborhood in coordination with the SCEHOA Roads Committee. Each team with guidance from the Roads Committee will:
Contact Pima County DOT with the street and address range that is considered the problem area.
Pima County DOT will send the team a petition that is the list of all homeowners the County has determined reside in the benefits area of this project.
The team will survey the neighborhood to gather signatures of those homeowners agreeing that traffic-calming measures are needed. Sixty percent of the homeowners must agree for the project to move forward. The team forwards the completed petition to DOT.
DOT gathers data on traffic volumes and speeds for the designated street and presents the findings to the Roads Committee and project team. This report will also include one or two designs of potential solutions that DOT recommends. If the team agrees with the findings, DOT will issue another petition for final approval by those homeowners residing in the benefit area.
The team in coordination with the Roads Committee will contact paving vendors to solicit bids for the project. Once a vendor is selected, the Roads Committee will determine HOA funding for the project and the anticipated cost to each agreeing homeowner in the benefit area. The team will gather signatures for final approval. Sixty percent of the homeowners in the affected area must agree with the design, placement and costs for the project to be approved. DOT validates the final approval petition.
DOT schedules work with the selected contractor and inspects the completed work. DOT is responsible for any signage and striping. The project team and Roads Committee pay the contractor.
DOT is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the traffic calming devices.