Pima County Light restrictions
In Pima County, there are rules about how we are allowed to light our property outside. As this issue is often brought to the attention of the Board, I’ve summarized them for you below.
For determining compliance with this chapter the total lumens is the sum of the following:
100% of outdoor light fixtures installed on grade, on poles, and installed on the top or sides of buildings of other structures.
Fixtures installed under canopies and overhangs. Outdoor lighting fixtures shall not be counted in determining the total light output when they are full cutoff light fixtures installed under canopies, building overhangs, or roof eaves.
Unshielded light fixtures installed under canopies, building overhangs, or roof eaves shall be calculated at 100 percent of the luminaire total light output. Installation under canopies, overhangs or roof eaves shall not provide full cutoff classification of unshielded light fixtures
Fifty percent of the lumens from underwater light fixtures unless the fixture is aimed at an angle of less than 45 degrees above the horizontal; in which case the calculated lumens is calculated at 10 percent of the rated lumens.
Unshielded lighting should be extinguished between 11:00 P.M. and sunrise the following day. Exception:
Unshielded lighting installed for the illumination of the flag of the United States of America.